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Boost Your Self-Image

  • What is Self-Image?
    Definition: /selfˈimij/ noun the idea one has of one's abilities, appearance, and personality. Resource: Oxford Dictionary
  • What should I do when I lack motivation?
    Try being present in the moment where you are and in what you are doing. Get up, wake up, and work toward accomplishing a goal for the day. People tend to lack motivation when things seem overwhelming, underwhelming, not going as planned, not meeting expectations, etc. You can find your energy by setting intentions for the day. This action may keep you pressing forward to build up the motivation you have within yourself. Only you can change how you are feeling to find your motivation.
  • What can I do when I feel I do not love myself?
    Say these three things in the mirror while smiling at yourself... It's OK to not meet everyone's expectations. I am ME, and I am EXTRAordinary! I have people who love me, so I will focus on loving myself today.
  • How can I stop caring so much about what others think of me?
    Write a list of reasons why you care so much about what others think. You may find that you have no valid reason to care, therefore changing your perspective about yourself. If you have valid reasons to care, evaluate them against what matters to you. Would YOU expect this of others? Create a list of things you want to change to improve your self-image. Do it for yourself and not for anyone else. Do this because it will positively affect how you feel about YOU!
  • Why do I always feel like I don't belong or out of place?
    Maybe you feel this way because the people you surround yourself with are not "your people." If you don't feel comfortable and confident with the crowd you're in, it may be time to change who you hang out with. People should validate your worth. That will help you feel important, valued, and included. Fitting in should never be your purpose. Focus on creating your own space and finding your own path. Remember, our differences make us beautiful and unique. If we all were exactly the same, the world would be incredibly dull.
  • Why do I compare myself to others?
    You are not like other people. THANK GOODNESS for that. Sometimes, we think other people are better, have more privileges, etc. But you are so wrong! Embrace who YOU are, and don't worry about being like how you perceive others. It is a waste of time. You will always strive to be something or someone you're not. When comparing yourself to others, you may miss out on your own talents, gifts, and opportunities because you're focused on what it means for someone else and not for you. Try making a life plan based on what you are good at. Focus on what your future can be if you work hard to be yourself and pursue your interests. This will keep you from comparing yourself to others as you will not have time to even think about it.

Dear PAV

Dear PAV is the question/answer portion of our toolkit to help teens process what they are experiencing and provide guidance to their burning questions. Feel free to email us another question you may have regarding the topic of self-image, or any of our other toolkit topics. Please allow up to 7 days for a response. 

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